We Value Sustainability

In line with Omnicane’s vision, sustainability is an integral part of its DNA and long-term business strategy. This is crucial for the Company’s future, as well as for the future of our stakeholders and the planet at large. Omnicane was one of the first in the local sugarcane industry to embrace the sector’s reform and successfully implement the integrated industrial ecosystem at La Baraque cluster based on the circular economy approach, hence contributing to its resilience. With a maturing Sustainability, Risk Management, Business Continuity and Governance structures, Omnicane is committed to be among the ESG leaders in the region for a better tomorrow.

Latest Annual Figures
Activity ratio
Total amount spent on CSR Projects
Activity ratio
Total renewable energy produced
Activity ratio
Total renewable direct materials consumed
Activity ratio
Total Bonsucro certified raw sugar produced
Value creation process
Omnicane Foundation

Omnicane Foundation

Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility (CSER) is an integral part of the day-to-day life at Omnicane. As the social arm of the Group, Omnicane Foundation works closely with local communities and NGOs to implement various social and environmental projects in the region.

Since its inception in 2009, the foundation has been actively engaged in initiatives aimed at improving the lives of people in the surrounding areas. Through sustainable programmes, empowerment projects and community partnerships, Omnicane Foundation strives to make a positive and lasting impact, fostering economic, educational, and social development for a better and more inclusive future.

While acting on various fronts, the foundation concentrates its actions on specific priority areas such as:

  • Support to vulnerable and needy persons
  • Education/Training
  • Health
  • Sports 
  • Environment
Recent Projects
Recent Projects
Omnicane Award 2023 Omnicane Award Competition
Britannia Organic Garden Organic gardening course in collaboration with Mouvement pour l'Autosuffisance Alimentaire in Britannia
Mauritius Wildlife Foundation Partnering with Mauritian Wildlife Foundation on ecosystem restoration projects
Medical Check up with PATH Free screening at Tyack Government School in collaboration with P.A.T.H.
Footcare caravan APSA Partnering with APSA Foot Care Karavan for free screening and foot assessment in the South
Sponsoring of Badminton Athletes Sponsoring national level badminton player (Teejas Savoo)
Support to Caritas Nou Tou Ansam L’Escalier Set-up of Nou Tou Ansam, a community-development project in l’Escalier
Undergraduate Scholarship for students from the south Scholarships awarded to 3 students from Grand-Port and Savanne districts
Support to Global Rainbow Foundation Global Rainbow Foundation with assistive devices
Contact us
Map Location

-20.440024886975, 57.670987397432


Omnicane House, Mon Trésor Business Gateway, 
New Airport Access Road,
Plaine Magnien 51521,
Republic of Mauritius

E: sustainabilitydept@omnicane.com
T: +230 660 0600